Zorana Ćupić was born in 1994 in Peć. She finished her elementary and high school in Čačak.
She completed her undergraduate studies in 2018 at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade, majoring in Serbian literature and language, by defending her thesis Between Narration and Poetry – Teodosi‘s View of Petar Koriški.
In 2019, she completed her graduate studies at the same faculty, defending her master’s thesis The Motif of Patience in the Apocrypha of Job and the Gospel of Nicodemus. Her average grade for both levels of studies is 9,28.
She enrolled in doctoral academic studies in 2019, also at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade, Serbian language module, where she passed all exams with an average grade of 10,00.
The subject of her doctoral dissertation, which she started working on under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Miloš Kovačević, is titled Linguistic and Stylistic Features of Dušan Kovačević‘s dramas.
Areas of scientific interest are stylistics in the context of contemporary Serbian drama and literature, sociolinguistics and representology.
She speaks English.
Throughout 2019/2020 academic year, she was an associate in extracurricular work at the Master’s course in Methodology of literature teaching at the Department of Serbian literature with South Slavic literatures at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade.
In 2020, she earned the title of junior research assistant at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Belgrade and became a scholarship recipient of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. As a scholarship holder, from 2020 to 2022, she was engaged in the scientific research work of the Institute for Serbian Culture Priština – Leposavić, under the mentorship of Dr. Marija Jeftimijević Mihajlović, senior research associate.
Since July 2022, she has been employed at the Institute of Serbian Culture in Priština – Leposavić.
In August of 2022, after receiving the approval of the topic for her doctoral dissertation at the Council of scientific fields of social and human sciences of the University of Belgrade, she obtained title research assistant at the Institute for Serbian culture Priština – Leposavić.
Ćupić 2022: Z. Ćupić, Contemporary Hamlet with a skull in his hand – sorts and speech of madmen in Dušan Kovačević’s plays, in: Miloš Kovačević, Jelena Petković (ed.), Contemporary studies of language and literature, vol. XIII, book 1, Kragujevac: Faculty of Philology and Arts, 315–325. ISBN: 978-86-80596-06-8
Ćupić 2021: Z. Ćupić, Dramas of Dušan Kovačević in the teaching of Serbian language and literature, Heritage (Baština), vol. 55, Priština – Leposavić: Institute for Serbian Culture, 79–95. ISSN 0353-9008
Ćupić 2021: Z. Ćupić, Integration-correlation approach to Dušan Kovačević’s plays, in: M. Kovačević (ed.), Dramatic creativity of Dušan Kovačević, Andrićgrad: Andrić Institute, 309–333. ISBN: 978-99976-21-88-7
Ćupić 2020: Z. Ćupić, Basic linguistic and stylistic procedures in Claustrophobic comedy, drama by Dušan Kovačević, Fugure (Lik), no. 10, Andrićgrad – Višegrad: Andrić Institute, 135–155. ISSN 2303-8340
Ćupić 2020: Z. Ćupić, Furies in him and furies outside of him – the final victory (Literary and psychological views on the character of Saint Peter Koriški in the Life of Theodosius), Heritage (Baština), vol. 52, Priština – Leposavić: Institute for Serbian Culture, 67–81. ISSN 0353-9008
Participation in scientific meetings:
Academic conference Dramatic creativity of Dušan Kovačević, Andrićgrad: Andrić Institute, June 28 and 29, 2020.
XIII scientific meeting of young philologists of Serbia, Contemporary studies of language and literature, Kragujevac: Faculty of Philology and Arts, April 10, 2021.
International scientific meeting Fear in Scientific and Artistic Creativity, Leposavić: Institute for Serbian Culture Priština – Leposavić, June 16 and 17, 2022.
- З. Ћупић, Бесови у њему и бесови ван њега – коначна победа (Књижевни и психолошки погледи на лик Светога Петра Коришког у Теодосијевом Житију), Баштина, св. 52, Приштина – Лепосавић: Институт за српску културу, 67‒ ISSN 0353-9008
- З. Ћупић, Основни језичко-стилски поступци у драми Клаустрофобична комедија Душана Ковачевића, Лик, бр. 10, Андрићград – Вишеград: Андрићев институт, 135‒155. ISSN 2303-8640
- З. Ћупић, Интеграцијско-корелацијски приступ драмама Душана Ковачевића, у: М. Ковачевић (ур.), Драмско стваралаштво Душана Ковачевића, Андрићград: Андрићев институт, 309–333. ISBN: 978-99976-21-88-7
- З. Ћупић, Драме Душана Ковачевића у настави српског језика и књижевности, Баштина, св. 55, Приштина – Лепосавић: Институт за српску културу, 79–95. ISSN 0353-9008
- З. Ћупић, Савремени Хамлет са лобањом у руци – типови и говор лудака у драмама Душана Ковачевића, у: Милош Ковачевић, Јелена Петковић (ур.), Савремена проучавања језика и књижевности, год. XIII, књ. 1, Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 315–325. ISBN: 978-86-80596-06-8
Учешће на научним скуповима:
- Научни скуп Драмско стваралаштво Душана Ковачевића, Андрићград: Андрићев институт, 28. и 29. јун 2020. године.
- XIII научни скуп младих филолога Србије, Савремена проучавања језика и књижевности, Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет, 10. април 2021. године.
- Међународни научни скуп Страх у научном и уметничком стваралаштву, Лепосавић: Институт за српску културу Приштина – Лепосавић, 16. и 17. јун 2022. године.