
Nikola Marković

Nikola Marković, junior research assistant.
ORCID ID: 0009-0001-7219-5703
Born in 1997. in Belgrade.
Graduated: 2020, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Department of archaeology, average grade of 8.86.
Master’s degree: 2021, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Department of Archaeology, average grade of 9.67.
PhD studies: enrolled in 2022/2023, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Priština with a temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica, Department of History, module 1 (ancient and medieval history).
Extracurricular activities:
2018. Statistics workshop at the Center for behavioral genetics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad.
2020. Volunteering for a month at the Ministry of Culture and Information, the work was related to project documentation of projects seeking Ministry grants and giving advice to applicants.
2020. Volunteering for two weeks at the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Vojvodina – Serbia.
2021. Intensive course in Data Science, workshop organized by HeriStem at the University of Ljubljana.
During 2023 and 2024, he was a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia at the Institute for Serbian Culture Priština —Leposavić.
Skills: Fluent in English and proficiency in many computer programmes such as Excel, SPSS, R, Orange, PostgreSQL, Tableu, Power BI, Blender, Photoshop, AutoCAD.
Scientific interests: Serbian medieval history with a particular focus on economic and social history.
Elected to the position of junior research assistant from 1st July 2024. at the Institute of Serbian culture Priština-Leposavić.
1. Article published in scientific journal, category M23
1.1. Marković, N.,
Pondering Pottery – Elemental Characterization of Early Eneolithic Pottery from Šanac–Izba near Lipolist, Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Priština, 2022, 52 (3), 221–236. doi: 10.5937/zrffp52-39973
2. Article published in scientific journal, category M24
2.1. Марковић Никола
Дубровачки трговац – криминал и недела међу члановима дубровачких заједница у средњовековној Србији, Submitted manuscript to Baština, Priština – Leposavić, 2024. 3. Conference, category М34
3.1. Марковић Никола
Сербские средневековые правители и монастырь Святого Пантелеймона на Святой Горе, XLIII Международного Харакского форум «ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ПРОСТРАНСТВО И СОЦИАЛЬНОЕ ВРЕМЯ: Цивилизационные модели формирования многополярного мира» 6-8 may 2024. Yalta.
4. Conference, category М63
4.1. Никола Марковић, “Римски путеви у Србији - значај истраживања у циљу заштите и промовисања културног наслеђа”. “Пут и животна средина”, Vrnjačka Banja, 23 – 25 october, Collection of Papers 87-95. Oral presentation.
5. Book review
5.1. Никола Марковић
Копаоник у средњем веку: Историја једне планине; (Божидар Зарковић, Копаоник у средњем веку) Филозофски факултет универзитета у Приштини са привременим седиштем у Косовској Митровици/Институт за српску културу Приштина – Лепосавић, Косовска Митровица/Лепосавић, 2022) Baština, Priština – Leposavić, 61 (3), 529-531, 2023.