Stefan Anđelković was born on December 29, 1996 in Kosovska Mitrovica. He graduated from the “Sveti Sava” elementary school in Žerovnica, Zvečan municipality, while he graduated from the “Kosovska Mitrovica” gymnasium (social and linguistic major) in Kosovska Mitrovica.
He enrolled in basic academic studies in 2015 in the study program of International Studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. He graduated four years later (grade point average 9.05). During his undergraduate studies, he was a scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica. Master of academic studies in the study program Political Science – International Studies, module International Politics at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade, completed in 2019/2022 (average grade 9.25), defending the Master’s thesis on Constitutional Changes (1989-1990) and Serbian- Albanian relations.
During his undergraduate studies, he did an internship at the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, working as a Liaison Officer, for six months (May-October 2019), within the professional training program of the Center for Career Development. He was a participant in the professional seminar “Public Policy Days” organized by GAJP, PERFORM, Konrad Adenauer Stifung in Belgrade in October 2018. Since June. From 2020 to May 2023, he worked at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, in Belgrade. He worked as a marketing manager in the German company “PM – International” in September 2022, and as a marketing manager in the Slovenian company “Smart Money Solutions” in October 2022.
He enrolled in doctoral academic studies in the study program of International and European Studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade in 2022, and is currently in his second year. The planned topic of the doctoral dissertation would deal with the potential topic: “Holocaust and culture: Politics of the reception of the Holocaust”.
Since May 2023, he has been employed at the Institute for Serbian Culture in Priština-Leposavić as a junior research assistant.
Stefan’s main areas of interest are international relations, foreign policy, “the Kosmet problem”, as well as the issue of the Holocaust.
Stefan speaks English, but also uses German.
Анђелковић, Стефан. 2024. Либерализам и криза демократије у савременом европском контексту. Научна конференција ,,Перспективе политичких наука у савременом европском контексту II’’, Зборник радова, Институт за политичке студије, Београд.
Анђелковић, Стефан. 2024. Космет и колонијални дискурс. Баштина, свеска 62, Институт за српску културу Приштина-Лепосавић, DOI:
Anđelković, Stefan. 2023. The Migrant Crisis in The British Media: Case Study – Daily Mail. XLII Международного Харакского форума «ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ПРОСТРАНСТВО И СОЦИАЛЬНОЕ ВРЕМЯ: ДИАЛЕКТИКА ЦЕЛЕЙ И ЦЕННОСТЕЙ». Yalta-Simferopol. Russian Federation.
Анђелковић, Стефан. 2022. Уставне промене (1989-1990) и српско-албански односи. Мастер рад, Београд: Факултет политичких наука, Универзитет у Београду.